
4-17.11.2024 AmotIon, EMAP/EMARE @pase.platform (Venice, Italy)

10.11.2024 Festival Transeuropa, performance with AmotIon PASE (Venice, Italy)

10-13.10.2024 Intermezzo 4, installation for feedback and motors on metal panels - Festival Mixtur (FABRA i COATS - Barcelona, Spain)

07.09.2024 Ars Electronica, Sonic Saturday - Listening Room (Linz, Austria)

01-03.08.2024 AmotIon, EMAP/EMARE @LTK4 (Köln, Germany) CENTRE COURT Festival

31.07.2024 KLANGKOLCHOSE NRW, Lutherturm (Köln, Germany)

28.07.2024 STME (Essen, Germany)

25.04-09.05.2024 Electrical Jungle, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (Berlin, Germany)

06.04.2024 Zentrum Zeitgenössischer Musik (Klagenfurt, Österreich) Plexus: cello and live electronics

06.03.2024 IGNM Ackermannshof (Basel, Switzerland) Plexus: cello and live electronics

29.09.2023 VenetoNight: la Notte della Ricerca. Free impro lab via an interactive installation []

21.10.2022 Shelly Ezra performs Be [...] en, my composition for chalumeau contralto at Kloster Michaelstein (Blankenburg, Germany)

19.10.2022 GAS-festival (Gothenburg, Sweden) Plexus: cello and live electronics

17.06.2022 Portrait concert, Trio Radial (Seilerbahn, Frankfurt am Main). New work for chalumeau solo and new work for trio and live electronics. 

02-15.05.2022 Residency at the Electronic Music Studio of AdK (Berlin, Germany)

08.03.2022 - Electrical Jungles, presentation at GEDOK (Stuttgart, Germany) 

26.02.2021 Closing performance of AmotIon, interactive installation for audio feedback, emotion detection and online app @RIXC (Riga, Latvia) 

04.02.2022 ECLAT 2022 - Electrical Jungle, presentation (Stuttgart, Germany)

15.01-15.04.2022 Electrical Jungles, a new project with Kinga Tóth at GEDOK Stuttgart supported by the Hannsmann-Poethen Literaturstipendium (Stuttgart, Germany)

18/12/2021 Ni anverso Ni reverso, for violin and fans (Vertixe Sonora, Museo Interactivo de la Historia de Lugo, Spain)

05/12/2021-26/02/2022 AmotIon at RICX Art (Riga, Latvia). See RIXC's youtube channel and interact with the installation live through my app

06/11/2021 Sounding Sculptures, Ensemble NAMES plays with Intermezzo 4, Kollegienkirche (Salzburg, Austria) 

15-30/10/2021 AmotIon at Future's Factory / Creative Žilina 2035 (Žilina, Slovakia)

01/10/2021 AmotIon at MoTA, Museum of Transitory Art SONICA Festival (Ljublijana, Slovenia). Residency 27.09-03.10.2021

25/09/2021 Artist talk - AmotIon @RIXC Art Science Festival 2021

8-12/09/2021 video documentation of AmotIon, Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria)

3-31/08/2021 Temporars Susch residency - Muzeum Susch (Susch, Switzerland)

13/08/2021 Intermezzo 4, installation for feedback and motors on metal panels @ Muzeum Susch (Susch, Switzerland)

23/07/2021 Trio vis-à-vis: Con moto trasversale, for trio and audio feedback and motors on metal panels (Südseite Nachts Festival - Stuttgart, Germany)

12/07/2021 Nomadismo mostruoso for natural horn and live electronics (UA). Horn: Deepa Goonetilleke; Live electronics: Silvia Rosani (Goethe-Institut Virtual Partner Residency) Romanfabrik (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

2-4/7/2021 AmotIon at Werkleitz Festival in Halle (Saale, Germany)

12/06/2021 auf die frage die vom boden abprallt for Daniel Gloger (countertenor), Annelie Gahl (violin), Eva Reiter (viola da gamba) and Samuel Toro Pérez (guitar) (Osterfestival Tirol, Austria)

20/05-17/06/2021 EMAP/EMARE residency at the Center for New Media Culture RIXC (Riga, Latvia) (2/2)

17-21/05/2021 SWR Experimentalstudio (Freiburg, Germany)

26/03-25/04/2021 EMAP/EMARE residency at the Center for New Media Culture RIXC (Riga, Latvia) (1/2)

8-12/03/2021 SWR Experimentalstudio (Freiburg, Germany)

07/02/2021 Trio vis-à-vis: Con moto trasversale, for trio and audio feedback and motors on metal panels (Festival ECLAT - Stuttgart, Germany).

mit Unterstützung der Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg und gefördert vom Musikfonds e. V. mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

12 December 2020 (EASTN-DC) inSonic Festival, ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany)

02/11/2020 Online premiere of my piece for accordion solo A Salti. Accordion: Miloš Milivojević. Link available here [Psappha, Manchester - UK].

10-30/10/2020 Residency at Muzeum Susch (Switzerland) [POSTPONED to May 2021] 

09/10/2020 GNOM at Historisches Museum Baden (Switzerland). Intermezzo 4, an installation for feedback on metal panels and motors. White Masks, for cello and live electronics. Live electronics: Silvia Rosani. Cello: Esther Saladin.

Sept-Dec 2020 Virtual Partner Residency (Goethe-Institut): collaboration with hornist Deepa Goonetilleke

14/09-08/10/2020 Hertz-Lab EASTN-DC Residency at ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany)

26/6/2020 SWEET SPOT / INNER GARDEN post.shut.down.sound.scape (Salzburg, Austria)

20/06/2020 Droste Festival (Münster) - Silvia Rosani (live electronics) und Kinga Tóth (Voice and texts) ONLINE

11/03/2020 Sounds like THIS Festival 2020. Intermezzo 4, installation/performance for feedback on metal panels and motors. Concept and live electronics: Silvia Rosani

18/11/2019 hcmf // shorts - Performance-installation by Silvia Rosani (Huddersfield, UK)

12/11/2019 Stockwerk (Graz, Austria) Women in motion music Festival

09/11/2019 Forum Stadtpark (Graz, Austria) Femness: queerfeministische Diplomatien

22/09-12/11/2019 Kunstort ELEVEN Artspace at Kunstmuseum Reutlingen (Mixed Media Installation) 

25/08-01/09/2019 Residency In Vitro in Matera through LOXOSconcept (Matera-Basilicata 2019) for the creation of an audio-visual installation (active between 1-15 September)

07.07.2019 - performance with Monika Golla at ECHT JETZT festival 2019 (Reutlingen, Germany)

4-5.07.2019 - White Masks goes to Atelierfrankfurt (Frankfurt, Germany)

23/06/2019 - The day I woke I woke on Churchyard Hill, but I wasn't myself will be performed at the NYCEMF by Eleonora Claps.

10/05/2019 The Sonic Liberation Players perform Die Elbe in Somerville, Massachusetts (33 Union Square, Somerville, MA, US)

Recipient of the Dart Award from the RMA

April 2019 - in residence at Subnet and the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction (Salzburg) to continue the development of Augmented Vibraphone, a collaboration between Canadian percussionist Tom Jacques and Silvia Rosani

26 January 2019 Silvia Rosani performs her Intermezzo 2 at Electroacoustic Music in Great Britain: Past/Present/Future in London

Thank you to the Finzi Trust who is kindly supporting my trip to Seia!

28/12/2018 White Masks installation at Museu do Brinquedo in Seia (DME)

27/12/2018 White Masks performance at the Casa Municipal in Seia (DME)

17-30 December 2018 - residency at Dias de la Musica Electroacustica (Seia, Portugal, DME)

05/12/2018 Christopher Collings performs '... e poi niente' at The Royal Conservatoire The Hague (Netherlands)

27/11/2018 Grains of Sound Electroacoustic Music Festival will host a performance of my The day I woke, I woke on Churchyard Hill, but I wasn't myself, for female voice and live electronics (San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Osher Salon, California).

10/11/2018 SPLICE ensemble plays '... e poi niente' for trio and live electronics BGSU (Bowling Green Ohio, US).

27/10/2018 Kirkos Ensemble and Michelle O'Rourke perform Die Elbe at the Trinity Chapel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

August 2018 - publication prize of Diaphonia Edizioni

26/07/2018 Christopher Collings performs '... e poi niente', for trumpet (Mensa, Darmstadt)

24/07/2018 Giulia Zaniboni performs The Day I woke, I woke in Churchyard Hill, but I wasn't myself, for voice and live electronics (Akademie der Tonkunst, Darmstadt)

5/07/2018 Anna D'Errico and Silvia Rosani perform Silvia's Frauenstimmen, for piano and live electronics (Rialto Theatre, Limassol, Cyprus - SMC 2018)

Thanks to Help Musicians UK for supporting my trip to Darmstadt with their Transmission Fund!

14/04/2018 Xenia Pestova and Silvia Rosani premiere Silvia's Frauenstimmen, for piano and live electronics (Dublin, Ireland - IMRO/Music Current commission)

25/11/2017 Inside Out. Project with singer Natasha Lopez, who will be performing my piece for voice and electronics Ai Limiti delle Soglie. Gedok (Stuttgart, Germany)

2-4 November 2017 Sounding Out Spaces (Dublin, Ireland)

06/10/2017 Silvia Rosani performs at Salle Jacques-Custeau (Montreal) with live electronics as artist in residence at Le Vivier.

09/09-07/10/2017 Residency for New Music/ Québec - UK Exchange to work with trio In Extensio. A collaboration between hcmf and Le Vivier (Montreal).

8-9 July 2017 Activating Inclusive Sound Spaces (AISS) - Phipps Hall (Huddersfield). White Masks, a cycle for cello, live electronics and resonating masks. Music by Silvia Rosani, Ori Talmon and Rebecca Saunders. Cello: Esther Saladin, Live electronics: Silvia Rosani, Visual artist: Ines Rebelo.

15-16/06/2017 Deptford Lounge - 12-8pm installation on 15th June, 9pm performance on 16th June. White Masks, a cycle for cello live electronics and resonating masks. Collaboration with cellist Esther Saladin and visual artist Ines Rebelo (London, UK).

27/05/2017 Wege durch das Land Festival (Segelflugplatz Oerlinghausen, Germany). The Neue Vocalsolisten performs T-O, for 5 voices.

29/04/2017 Music Current 2017. Omertà I for voice and live electronics. Soprano: Elizabeth Hilliard. Smoke Alley Theatre (Dublin, Ireland).

20/12/2016 The project White Masks has just been granted the support of the Goldsmiths Annual Fund. Moving on to the next performance!
21-24/11/2016 White Masks, a cycle for cello live electronics and resonating masks. Collaboration with cellist Esther Saladin. Project supported by the Sound Practice Research Unit and the Contemporary Music Research Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London. Project funded by the Francis Chagrin Award and the Institute of Musical Research (IMR).

28-30/09/2016 Paper presentation at the International Conference Bestiarium: Rappresentazioni dell'umano e dell'animale.

08/09-14/09/2016 Ensemble Lucilin performs a new work within the Composition Summer School 2016 with Isabel Mundry and Marcel Reuter (Luxembourg).
31/08-03/09/2016 Essence and Context: A Conference Between Music and Philosophy at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Vilnius, Lithuania)

30/06 and 01/07/2016 Der Sommer in Stuttgart Festival. Duo ILLEGAL performs my piece for soprano and piano Li Rin.

7-9/06/2016 Auratic Communities, paper presentation at the International Conference Music and Human Mobility 2016. Lisbon, Portugal.

15-17/05/2016 Controller (fixed media) at Chouftouhonna 2016, International Feminist Art Festival (Tunis).

13/05/2016 Onassis Cultural Center Athen, Diplareios School (Theatrou sq 3, Athens centre). T-O for 5 voices, performed by the Neue Vocalsolisten.

22/04/2016 Controller (Fixed media) in the Peter Scott Gallery at the Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (WISWOS).

26/08/2015 Centro Kursaal (San Sebastian). T-O for five voices, performed by the Neue Vocalsolisten within the Mediterranean Voices project.

April 2015 Awarded the Francis Chagrin Award to support the composition of a cycle for cello in collaboration with the cellist Esther Saladin.

08/05/2015 Südseite Nachts Festival (Stuttgart). Die Elbe for flute, voice and cello. Performers: Trio Vis-a-vis.

05/12/2014 All Machine Bookshow. Performances by Kinga Tòth (voice) and Silvia Rosani (live electronics), and Trio Vis-à-vis. Hungarian Cultural Institute Stuttgart + Akademie Schloss Solitude.

26-27/07/2014 Teatro Fondamenta Nuove (Biennale di Venezia). T-O for five voices, performed by the Neue Vocalsolisten within the Mediterranean Voices project.

24-25/05/2014 Teatro de la Zarzuela (Madrid). T-O for five voices, performed by the Neue Vocalsolisten within the Mediterranean Voices project.
20/04/2014 MATA Festival, The Kitchen (NY). T-O for five voices, performed by the Neue Vocalsolisten within the Mediterranean Voices project.
15/03/2014 The Night of the Museums (Stuttgart). Sound installation in the Projektraum in Römerstraße 2.

09/02/2014 Festival ECLAT (Stuttgart). T-O for five voices, performed by the Neue Vocalsolisten within the Mediterranean Voices project.

22/01/2014 Seminar about The Mediterranean Voices at the Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Stuttgart).

07/05/2013 London. Sound installation at Goldsmiths University (Laurie Grove Baths - Tank Room), 10am - 6pm.

21/03/2013 Flanders Operastudio (Gent, Belgium). Alexey Kokhanov performs "Narciso" by Silvia Rosani, for solo baritone.

16/01/2012 Deptford Hall (Goldsmiths University, London). Ourania Menelaou performs "Il reuccio fatto a mano", for solo piano, by Silvia Rosani.

29/10/2012 Kleines Studio (Mozarteum Universität, Salzburg). Music by Silvia Rosani and Youngkwang Young.

01/06/2012- 17/06/2012 Elevation of love, installation in cooperation with the painter Endri Kosturi at "Le Torri d'Europa" in Trieste.


02/06/2012 Im Banne des Unbekannten I. Echoraum (Vienna). Ensemble Platypus performs "L'eta' celeste" by Silvia Rosani.

Within the project Mediterranean Voices, the Neue Vocalsolisten will perform T-O for five voices in the following venues:

27/05/2017 Wege durch das Land Festival (Segelflugplatz Oerlinghausen, Germany)

13/05/2016 Onassis Cultural Center Athen, Diplareios School (Theatrou sq 3, Athens centre)

26/08/2015 Centro Kursaal (San Sebastian)

26-27/07/2014 Teatro Fondamenta Nuove (Venice)

24-25/05/2014 Teatro de la Zarzuela (Madrid)

20/04/2014 MATA Festival, The Kitchen (NY)

09/02/2015 ECLAT Festival (Stuttgart, Germany)

more information at:

Photo credit: Luna Mafo